
Presidential search listening sessions announced, but key details remain unanswered – UNIVERSITY PRESS

Presidential search listening sessions announced, but key details remain unanswered – UNIVERSITY PRESS

On Tuesday, Florida Atlantic University’s Presidential Search Committee announced listening sessions, although some key details remain unclear.

At the meeting, Ann Yates of Buffkin/Bakera search firm specializing in hiring across different industries, outlined plans for listening sessions from Aug.29 to Sept. 9. The sessions are intended to gather diverse input from stakeholders across FAU’s campuses. Stakeholders include individuals like FAU students, faculty, and donors. The committee approved the overall calendar for the search but questioned locations and stakeholder participation.

Despite their significance in the presidential search, key details—such as session logistics, locations, and stakeholder participation—remain unclear. However, the committee approved the overall calendar.

Yates, who is overseeing the search process, acknowledged that the committee is still working out the logistics of the sessions.

“We wanted to get your approval as a committee first before we started really crafting the schedule,” Yates said.

According to the calendar, the final candidates will be selected in February and March of 2025.

During the meeting, various committee members were concerned about the schedule’s lack of detail. Furthermore, they discussed the need for multiple locations to ensure participation from stakeholders from different FAU campuses so that inclusion and diversity are assured.

Yates responded to concerns that the plan does not have sessions on multiple campuses and admitted that the exact schedule is still in development.

“We don’t have the calendar solidified yet,” Yates said, which left the committee unsatisfied regarding their concerns.

Still, the committee approved the proposed calendar but agreed that the schedule needs more details in the future. This includes specific times and locations. Yates stated that the committee would later develop this plan to consider all perspectives, including those who cannot attend in-person sessions.

The committee also discussed Sunshine Law’s application to these sessions. Daniel Jones, VP of Legal Affairs, clarified that while the sessions will be open to the public, they will not be subject to the same hosting and agenda requirements as official board meetings. In-person sessions will also not be recorded.

Another key item on the agenda was the approval of the university’s presidential search website form, designed to gather input from the broader FAU community. This form was created to allow respondents to provide detailed feedback on the qualities they believe are essential in FAU’s next president.

The survey responses may be submitted anonymously so people don’t feel threatened by their responses, said Ellison.

Throughout the meeting, Yates emphasized the importance of the feedback gathered from the survey and listening sessions in shaping the search profile. The results will guide the committee in evaluating candidates.

She assured the committee that the profile would specifically reflect FAU’s unique needs and opportunities, integrating feedback from both the public and the university’s strategic plan.

The approved calendar sets the beginning of the search process, highlighting important milestones the FAU community should anticipate in the coming months. These include the listening sessions beginning Aug. 29, where stakeholder input will play a vital role in shaping the criteria for the new president. As the search continues, the community can expect updates on its progress, including the development of the search profile and marketing plan, leading to candidate interviews early next year.

Sofia De La Espriella is the Editor-in-Chief of the University Press. Email (email protected) or message her on Instagram @sofidelaespriella for information regarding this or other stories.

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