
Gramercy Books, Bexley library is hosting the Local Author Festival on August 31st

Gramercy Books, Bexley library is hosting the Local Author Festival on August 31st

Not far behind Linda Kass opened Gramercy Books in December 2016she began to receive inquiries from self-published and small press authors who wanted to promote their work in the Bexley bookstore.

“We have a robust local writers section and always planned to have one, but we only have so much space, and there are only so many days and times we can host author events and book signings,” said Kass, author of three historical novels .

“So, our solution to this was to create a local writers’ festival.”

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The festival debuted on a sweltering day in August 2017 outside the store at 2424 E. Main St. and Kass realized that more space—and air conditioning—was needed if the event was to continue. So since then, Gramercy Books has partnered with Bexley Public Library to host the festival.

“We are so lucky to have a wonderful public library across the street!” Cass said.

Showcasing 40’s work independently published and small press authors from central Ohio, the local writer’s festival will be from 2-4pm on August 31st in the auditorium of the Bexley Public Library, 2411 E. Main St. The event is free and no registration is required to attend.

To select authors for the festival, Gramercy sends out invitations to local authors whose books are sold in the store, as well as to those who have requested book signings and other events in the past year. Writers are then selected on a first-come, first-served basis, Kass said.

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“We’ve had to limit it to 40 authors each year because of space. We don’t have the ability to grow in terms of authors we feature, but the event has really grown in terms of attendance,” said Kass, who estimated that between 250 -300 people visit the festival every year.

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